Step By Step

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Services Provided

* Assessment sessions are usually an hour and involve:
  • Sharing of information related to your child's health, developmental, educational and family history
  • Observation in play and interaction
  • Informal measures and standardised assessments

* Therapy sessions are usually an hour long, but range between 30-90 minutes, depending on your child's / family's needs. Sessions may be in the clinic, in your child's school, child care centre, home or other community based service.

Intervention through therapy sessions or programs may include strategies to meet goals regarding:
  • Speech production (articulation)
  • Understanding and use of language
  • Augmentative communication (picture symbols, key word signs) to support spoken communication
  • Social communication skills
  • Phonological awareness and literacy difficulties
  • Speech fluency (stuttering)
  • Use of voice
  • Eating, drinking and saliva control
  • Breast or bottle feeding

* Reports and programs are available on request. Fees apply, depending on funding arrangements.

For more information contact -
or Mobile: 0488639345